Friday, March 9, 2012

"Lodged" by Robert Frost

1.Can the rain really talk to the wind? Can the wind really listen to the rain? Can the flowers really kneel ?
-No the rain cant really talk to the rain the wind really cant listen to the rain and no the flowers cant really kneel. It's poetry and you can imagine these things doing it in there own way. Flowers can really kneel when they are down and sad when you dont put water on them.The wind can listen to the rain because when it is raining there is wind they get together.

2.What are some of the effects that the tool of personification brings to this poem ?
-The tool that personification brings to this poem is that it is using feelings that a human can feel something compared.

3. If the rain and wind and flowers were real people, how would one describe the event that is occuring?
-That they are sad and down they need help felt dead but were not.

4. If the flowers were real people, how do they feel after the wind and the rain "smote" the garden bed" ?
-Sad because of the smote it destroyed them because the wind and the rain ruined them.

5. Speculate on why the speaker of the poem empathizes with the flowers ?
- Because he knows how the flowers felt down and sad because of the rain and wind.

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